Wholesale 80×80 Thermal Rolls For Sale
Thermal paper rolls 80×80 mm, customizable, approved, resistant and ecological
Only certified high quality thermal paper for the emission of receipts with electronic cash registers.
What are Thermal Coils 80×80 for?
Thermal paper rolls 80×80 are approved for issuing receipts with electronic cash registers. However, their use is extended to other types of devices and documents, such as, for example, sports betting receipts, scales and various ticket printers.
Thermal paper 80×80 is one of the most requested ones by the market, precisely because this format has wide diffusion among the common cash registers.
But why do you use thermal paper for issuing receipts? Here you are the answer: compared to ink printing, thermal paper offers a number of advantages, which cannot be overlooked by those who need to issue receipts or receipts in a short time and without smudges or errors. Unlike paper used for ink printing, thermal paper has a particular chemical composition. In practice, one of the surfaces of the sheet of paper is treated with a series of chemical compounds that create a semi-gloss layer.
The printing – or rather the impression – of letters, numbers and symbols on paper takes place thanks to the thermal reaction of this semi-gloss layer: touched by the overheated heads of the cash register, which act only on some points of the paper, The contents of the receipt appear on the sheet.
Unlike traditional ink printing, this technology allows you to issue receipts in series, quickly, accurately, reliably. And this is very important, because the receipt that attests payment must be legible to perfection, even over time, as required by law.
How to print receipts intended to last in a long period of time
As already written, the thermal paper reacts and it changes color, when in contact with a source of energy or heat. This means that the receipts printed on this type of support must be kept away from light sources, so as to avoid the risk that everything becomes unreadable.
However, not all rolls of thermal paper are equal. Depending on the quality of the paper and its production process, it is possible to find on the market types of thermal paper intended to last longer in time, unlike others, of lower invoice. So, when you need to buy 80×80 thermal rolls for receipts, it is good to worry about the expected duration of the image printed on the sheet, so as to avoid issuing receipts or tax receipts “defective”, which fade within a few months.
Customize the thermal rolls 80×80
As with other thermal paper formats, even 80×80 rolls can be customized for color and print on the back of the sheet. Although the vast majority of receipts issued by cash registers are white, there is nothing to prevent the use of colored paper rolls, perhaps to attract the attention of the customer, usually eager to get rid of receipts received after shopping in the store.
Here then is that a receipt printed on a colored paper can attract the attention of the consumer, to submit, printed on the sheet, an important message, a promotion, a coupon or other that can increase the loyalty rate. In this way, therefore, the receipt, instead of being thrown immediately in the first basket at your fingertips, becomes an additional marketing tool, economic and immediate, perfect to convey communications to customers already in your store.
That’s not all, because the customization offered by today’s thermal paper rolls can also involve the back of the sheet. It is not uncommon, especially in the GDO or in the stores of large retail chains, to be in the hands of receipts printed on both sides; on the opposite side with respect to the details of the purchase is possible to pre-print a personalized message, even in color, to enrich the receipt with extra content, great for advertising a specific product, a service, a special offer, an event or any other initiative of potential interest to consumers.
Where to buy the best thermal paper rolls 80×80
Quality always comes at a cost, but what if I used for a long time a thermal paper of poor quality, unable to guarantee 100% accurate printing? The reduced cost of purchasing thermal paper rolls would disappear because of the problems caused by the poor quality of the support, which could also have a negative impact on the operation of the receipt-issuing apparatus, cash register or something.
All this to say that investing in high quality thermal paper rolls is the best way to avoid any unexpected and malfunctioning of printing devices. For this reason, in Errebi we produce and sell 80×80 thermal coils wholesale of very high quality, safe, even homologated (this is common italian practice), durable and long-lasting: similar coils have been chosen by some of the big names in the retail and retail world, both Italian and international, precisely because they are sure to be able to count on the guarantee of a thermal paper product made with high production standards.
If on the thermal roll inserted in the cash register appear the fateful red lines, it is time to change the roll. How to do it without damage? The operation of replacing the roll of thermal paper in the recorder is within the reach of anyone, does not provide too complicated passages or specific technical knowledge: everything is in practice; After some tests, changing the roll and restarting to issue receipts will be a fast action. To know in detail all the steps to be taken, you can read this article: how to change the rolls of thermal paper in cash registers and POS.
The most important thing is to insert in the cash register the thermal roll of the right size: if the recorder is suitable for 80×80 rolls, using different formats can compromise the emission of the receipt as well as the operation of the same machine. Therefore, before replacing the roll, it is good to make sure that the 80×80 is the right size for the cash register in use.

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